Council in partnership with key community stakeholders, has undertaken a project to shape the future of the Deans Marsh Community Hall and Cottage (including the early learning / childcare space). We know that these facilities are very much loved by the community, so thank you to everyone who has provided input into the process to develop the Plan for your multi-purpose community hub.
What's happened so far
Following extensive engagement, two draft concepts were presented to the community in November 2022 for feedback. Based on responses from community members a Draft Plan was produced by the architect in June 2023.
Public exhibition of the Draft Plan was undertaken from 5 June 2023 to 10 July 2023. Community and stakeholder feedback was collated and reviewed, including identifying all themes / topics and providing responses to each.
Through late 2023 and early 2024 Officers worked with the architect to refine the design in the final Plan in response to feedback received. This final concept design aims to achieve an outcome that is a balance of all evidence, expertise and the community feedback throughout the entire project, and will provide a fit-for-purpose facility reflecting the current and future community needs identified through the engagement process.
Next steps
While obtaining full funding for the entire facility is the aim, staging the development of the facility will help to increase the likelihood of securing external funding support. The new facility is estimated to cost $8.41m (ex GST), with a preferred option to stage construction.
Two stages have been identified:
- Stage 1 at $6.89m ex GST
- Stage 2 at $1.84m
Staging slightly increases the build cost resulting in a total of $8.73m.
Stage 2 would complete the Early Years component when funding can be sourced (and in line with increased need).
The Plan was endorsed by
Council at the 26 March 2024 Council Meeting. The project is now considered
investment-ready and Officers will work to source external funding when
opportunities arise