Update 10 September
Thank you to all reisdents who completed the survey.
Surf Coast Shire council is undertaking an independent review of existing speed zones in the green belt area north of Torquay and south of Lower Duneed Road. The area in question is bounded by Anglesea Road in the west and Breamlea Road in the east. Major roads such as the Surf Coast Highway and Anglesea Road are not being considered in the review.
The focus of the review is on the lower volume, local and gravel roads where existing speed zones may no longer align with current policy or sit well in the context of the surrounding road network.
The roads being considered in the speed review are:
- Ghazeepore Road
- Dickins Road
- Randles Road
- Dans Road
- McCanns Road
- Williams Road
- Fischers Road
- Charlemont Road
- Winklers Lane
- MacIntyres Road
- Graham Lane
- Minya Lane
- Point Impossible Road
- Bluestone School Road
- Horseshoe Bend Road
- Blackgate Road
Speed zone reviews are in response to:
- Changing state policy around rural speed zones.
- Changes in the type and volume of traffic in the area.
- Increasing numbers of cyclists, horse riders and other vulnerable road users.
- Changes to land use north and south of the green belt.
An independent traffic consultant has been engaged to review the existing speed zones and recommend changes, if any of these zones do not align with the State wide current speed zoning policy and best practice.
The independent traffic consultant will be considering the following items when conducting the review:
- Function of each road in the overall transport network.
- Topographical, geometric and general conditions of each route.
- Recent and emerging crash history along the roads in the study.
- Current state policy in relation to the classification, type and function of the road.
- The make up of the traffic using the roads in the study, and the break up of road users.
- Usage and type of access on the roads within the study and any impacts on the overall road network proposed changes will make.
- Community wellbeing impacts of any proposed changes.
Consideration will be given to different speed zones along one road, if deemed appropriate.
This survey has now closed. Thank you to all residents who participated.