Our Focus Our Future update
March 2025
The community panel met for the first time on Saturday 1 March. Check out the video to see what they did:
Community panel session 2 recap
February 2025
A huge thank you to everyone who shared your views, providing us with helpful feedback for Surf Coast Shire Council’s Our Focus Our Future community engagement project.
Between mid-November and early February, Council received 858 survey responses, 83 youth surveys, feedback from around 80 kids and 16 group submissions. Councillors and officers also spoke to more than 1,110 people at 16 pop up sessions across the shire. These contributions as a part of the Our Focus Our Future project will help set the strategic direction for 2025-2029.
The engagement revealed a highly invested community with a number of priorities emerging:
- Environmental protection and sustainable growth: Strong community desire to protect natural spaces and prevent overdevelopment.
- Cost of living and housing affordability: Housing shortages and rising living costs are major challenges.
- Infrastructure and transport: Concerns about public transport limitations, road safety, and cycling/pedestrian accessibility.
- Tourism and local impact: Concerns about seasonal overcrowding and its effect on infrastructure require careful management.
- Health and wellbeing: Mental health concerns, family violence and substance abuse were identified as issues.
When asked about financial sustainability, respondents supported a balanced approach to managing Council’s bottom line, with a focus on greater community involvement in delivering local initiatives.
Young people prioritised safe public spaces, better public transport, and youth programs.
Kinder-aged children highlighted the importance of outdoor play, parks, and social interactions.
Read the Community Engagement Report
NEXT STEPS - Community panel underway
A community panel of 45 randomly selected community members is now underway, with a series of sessions to take place over the coming weeks. The group will work together to understand local issues and key dilemmas, and develop a report providing advice to Council.
Community Engagement
Our Focus Our Future will guide the creation of important plans, like the next Council Plan and Health & Wellbeing Plan.
Over a series of community engagement phases, we'll be asking you about your priorities and experiences in your local area, so that community input can help guide Council's direction over the next four years.
November 2024 - February 2025
Phase one is now closed.
Thanks to everyone who filled in the survey, or made a submission - we had more than 1000 contributions.
We'll publish the results of the engagement in early March 2025.
Pop Ups
You can catch us for a chat at the following locations:
Date | Time | Event / Pop up |
Sunday 24 November | 10am-1pm | VicPol Community Event |
Sunday 24 November | 2:30pm -6:30pm | Deans Marsh Twilight Market & Carols |
Saturday 30 November | 8:30am-1pm | Torquay Farmers Market |
Sunday 1 December | 9am-1pm | Winchelsea Community Market |
Wednesday 4 December | 3:30pm-5:30pm | Torquay pop up, Wurrdi Baierr |
Thursday 5 December | 3-5pm | Lorne pop up (outside Foodworks) |
Friday 6 December 6 | 9am-10am | Jan Juc pop up (outside Swell) |
Saturday 7 December | 9am-11am | Anglesea pop up (Bowls Club carpark) |
Monday 9 December | 10am-12pm | Winchelsea pop up (Cafe La Hoot) |
Tuesday 10 December | 9:30-11:30am | Torquay pop up (Outside IGA) |
Thursday 12 December | 3pm – 5pm | Anglesea pop up (shopping strip near Morgans) |
Friday 13 December | 9-10am | Moriac pop up (Outside General Store) |
Saturday 14 December | 8:30-1pm | Torquay Farmers Market |
Sunday 15 December | 9am-1pm | Aireys Inlet Market |
February - March 2025
A panel of community members will be established to give advice to Council on the Council Plan.
This will involve 45 local people, who will be randomly selected from a range of demographic groups to be part of the community panel. Thousands of people across the shire will receive a letter in the post inviting them to apply to join the panel.
A recommendations report will be produced by the Panel following their 3 workshops in early 2025, and will be published here when avialable.
June 2025
Once draft documents are available, we will check back in with community for your final feedback.
*Read the Terms and Conditions for survey prizes