June 2024 update

Signage is being installed at the intersection of Pollocksford Road and Hamilton Highway, Stonehaven, and Pollocksford Road and Barrabool Road, Gnawarre, to show the bridge is closed and local traffic only along Pollocksford Road.

Pollocksford Road Bridge closed traffic sign

April 2024 update

The Pollocksford Road bridge has been closed until repairs can be made to the bridge structure. Detours are in place along Merrawarp Road.

Despite a three tonne load limit and speed restriction of 10 km/h being put in place, heavy vehicles continued to use the bridge putting the structure at risk.

McHarrys have implemented a new school bus route to around the closed bridge. All families along Pollocksford Road have been notified.

Council officers continue to work with structural engineers on next steps. Once repair timelines are known they will be communicated to all residents.

March 2024 update

Engineers conducted a structural assessment of Pollocksford Road bridge on Monday 18 March 2024 and found structural issues identified in a previous inspection had deteriorated more quickly than expected and was impacting the integrity of the bridge deck.

A speed restriction on 10km/h and three-tonne load limit has been implemented.

Pollocksford Road Bridge is on the boundary of Surf Coast Shire and Golden Plains Shire and the two councils are working closely on options.