Next Steps

Phase 2 Engagement is now closed. All feedback received will be considered by the Project Team and will help inform the final Strategy. Submitters and project followers will be notified of next steps directly. For any questions, please contact the Strategic Planning Team or alternatively call 5261 0600.

About the draft Urban Futures Strategy

A draft Urban Futures Strategy has been prepared in collaboration with consultants Spatial Economics to provide a clear policy framework to guide sustainable urban growth at the township and precinct level. It considers a range of constraints, including the need to protect natural environments and significant landscapes.

The draft Strategy considers forecast population growth to a planning horizon of 2051 and recommends strategic work to ensure an adequate supply of land to meet future housing and employment needs.

The draft Strategy is informed by key technical reports (appendices) that provide a strong and robust evidence base for principles and directions.

The draft Strategy includes municipal wide principles to:

  • Recognise landscape level bushfire risk when planning for urban growth.
  • Protect land with environmental and landscape significance, places of heritage significance, and productive agricultural land from urban growth.
  • Encourage housing diversity in new urban areas and in existing communities.
  • Ensure that new and existing urban areas are well planned to deliver sustainable communities.
  • Provide clear strategic direction on the spatial distribution of urban growth in Surf Coast Shire.
  • Plan for growth on the basis of a range of realistic future housing demand scenarios.

The key directions relating to the spatial distribution of growth are:

  • Recognise the limiting effect of landscape level bushfire risk and the significance of the Great Ocean Road landscape and retain the existing settlement boundaries of the coastal towns of Anglesea, Aireys Inlet, Fairhaven, Moggs Creek and Lorne.
  • Strategically identify locations for infill development within the protected settlement boundary of Torquay-Jan Juc.
  • Plan for the majority of longer-term urban growth to be accommodated in Winchelsea.
  • Ensure urban development occurs within designated settlement boundaries and discourage proposals outside of the locations identified in this Strategy.
  • Avoid designating new areas for the Rural Living Zone (RLZ) within the municipality.

Community Engagement

Phase 2 Community Engagement 2024

The second phase of community engagement ran for 8 weeks and was completed in August 2024. This phase introduced the draft Strategy and supporting documents for public viewing and feedback. Engagement included two community 'drop-in' information sessions and an opportunity to make a formal submission to the draft Strategy. Feedback received from phase 2 engagement will assist in the preparation of the final Strategy.

All documentation released in phase 1 & 2 can be found in the Document library. Please visit the FAQ's to learn more.

Phase 1 Community Engagement 2023

The first phase of community engagement ran for 8 weeks and was completed in December 2023. This first phase provided an introduction to the project and included three community 'drop-in' information sessions and an on-line survey. Feedback received from phase 1 engagement has informed the preparation of the draft Strategy.

All documentation released in phase 1 can be found in the Document library. Please visit the FAQ's to learn more about this phase 1.

Document Library

Frequently asked questions