Update 12 February 2025 - Bin collections on Coombes Road
Please note the following arrangements that have been made with the road construction contractors for bin collections within the road works area:
- If works are occurring outside your property please leave your bins in your normal collection place. Drapers will move them to the opposite side of the road for collection.
- If no works are occurring outside your property and the road is closed please take your bin to the north or open side of the road so Cleanaway can easily access your waste for pick up.
- For
residents on the service road off Coombes Road between Ghazepoore Road and
Messmate Road:
- For the bin collection on Thursday 13 February please place your bin in front of your property as usual for collection, Cleanaway will be escorted through the roadworks to collect your bin.
- For the bin collection on 20 February your bins will need to be placed at either end of the service road. Drapers will move them to the north side of Coombes Road for collection and return them to the service road once they have been collected.
Further bin collection arrangements will be notified to residents on Monday 24 February.
Please download SCRRApp to stay up to date on the changes to the kerbside waste collections while the road works are happening.
Update January 2025
Works to upgrade Coombes Road started on Monday 13 January.
Local traffic only will be allowed to access Coombes Road during these works. Access to properties will be maintained and property owners on Coombes Road will have been notified by the contractor about access arrangements.
Thank you for your patience while we complete these important works.
Stage 4, installation of the roundabout at the intersection of Messmate Road and Coombes Road, will not be started until the completion of the stage 2 and stage 3 works.
Update 27 October 2024
Council have engaged Drapers Civils Contracting Pty Ltd to undertake works to Coombes Road and the intersection of Coombes Road and Messmate Road.
The works involves construction of a new roundabout, earthworks, landscaping, drainage, public lighting and concrete and asphalt paving.
The works have been broken into four work areas and will have the following traffic interruptions:
- Service locating and tree removal - minimal traffic interruption.
- Surf Coast Highway to Messmate Road - one way local traffic only.
- Messmate to Ghazeepore Road - one way local traffic only.
- Messmate Road roundabout - intersection closure.
Access to properties will be maintained at all times. Please follow all traffic management and signage and observe the temporary changes.
Planning is underway to upgrade Coombes Road.
The works will include:
- Coombes Road being widened (with sealed shoulders for cyclists) and resurfaced from Surf Coast Highway to Ghazeepore Road.
- A roundabout will be installed at the intersection of messmate Road and Coombes Road.
The package of works is going out to tender. When the contract is awarded and the schedule of works is known, residents will be notified of the expected impacts. We will be working with the contractor to minimise these impacts for residents.
We have received requests from residents for a footpath along Coombes Road. While we haven't secured funding for a footpath as part of these works, the road widening works will be designed to allow for a footpath to be installed in the future from Surf Coast Highway to Brumby Drive, subject to funding becoming available.