The Jan Juc and Torquay area has been identified as a target area under the State Government’s Connecting Victoria Mobile Program (CVMP). The CVMP is a State Government program investing $300 million aimed to improve coverage capacity of mobile networks across the state.
Optus has approached Council to consider entering into a lease agreement for the purpose of replacing the existing 18 meter south-west light tower with a 25 meter telecommunications monopole and associated infrastructure. This new facility would improve mobile coverage and access to mobile services in the Jan Juc area.
Optus proposes to replace the existing 18-meter south west tower with a 25-meter telecommunications monopole and associated infrastructure. The proposed monopole would increase Optus serviceability of the Jan Juc area and would be a joint venture with Vodafone.
The telecommunications monopole would use 4G and 5G technology.
We invite feedback from the community on the proposal. Feedback must be received no later than 5pm on Friday 7 March 2025.