inside view near change rooms


The construction cost for stage 1 works is $46.34M (ex GST), with the Surf Coast Shire Council grateful to receive $20M from the Australian Government and $16.68M from the Victorian Government. This includes a $3.5 million grant from the Victorian Government’s ‘Growing Suburbs Fund’, and $180,000 from the Victorian Government’s ‘Changing Places’ funding to a facility within the centre.

Stage 2 works have been fully funded by the Victorian Government, with the amount to be confirmed.

Location and site plan

The new centre will connect with Wurdi Baierr Stadium in Torquay and become its new primary entry point.

A total of 310 new car parks will be provided, along with new access paths and bike parking.

An indicative layout of the new facility and the proposed new car park is shown below.

A temporary parking area will be available during construction and Council has requested for staged activation of new car parks as they are constructed.

Stages and timeline

  • Timeline item 1 - active

    Stage 1

    October 2021: Project plan confirmed

    December 2023: Designs finalised

    January 2024: Project goes to tender

    August 2024: Construction contract awarded

    September 2024: Stage two plans and funding announced

    October 2024: Construction starts

    Late 2026: (TBC) Construction completion

  • Timeline item 2 - incomplete

    Stage 2

    Currently in planning phase, stage 2 will include more features like a dedicated indoor learn to swim pool, splash park and more.

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