Exterior artist's rendering

Design endorsement

Council resolved at a Special Meeting on 8 August, 2023 to endorse detailed designs for the Torquay North centre.

Pools will have ramp access, fully accessible change spaces are provided throughout and the centre will have Changing Places toilet facilities for people with high physical needs.

Environmentally sustainable and energy efficient design elements will include:

  • All-electric power, supported by maximum rooftop solar array.
  • Lower pool hall ceiling heights – up to 7m, compared with 11m or higher at similar aquatic centres.
  • Low profile glazing and no skylights.
  • Minimal heat transfer between internal spaces.
  • 100% rainwater retention and re-use.

These measures reflect a major theme in the Council Plan to demonstrate environmental leadership and strive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the impact of Climate Change.

The centre will adjoin and open into Wurdi Baierr Stadium via a single entrance on the southern side of the building. Connections off the Surf Coast Highway will provide car park access and exit, and connections with existing paths will encourage active transport.


The construction cost for stage 1 works is $46.34M (ex GST), with the Surf Coast Shire Council grateful to receive $20M from the Australian Government and $16.68M from the Victorian Government. This includes a $3.5 million grant from the Victorian Government’s ‘Growing Suburbs Fund’, and $180,000 from the Victorian Government’s ‘Changing Places’ funding to a facility within the centre.

Stage 2 works have been fully funded by the Victorian Government, with the amount to be confirmed.