Implementation of Fair Access Policy
Update 26 June 2024
Council adopted the Fair Access Policy at the June council meeting and we now move to implementation of the policy.
The Fair Access Policy action plan is based on the six principles from the policy. The implementation will take place over 2024 and 2025.
The focus areas for implementation are:
- Gather evidence and statistics with gender breakdowns (gendered data collection, analysis and impact assessment) to inform projects.
- Host workshops to determine barriers and enablers of women and girls participating across all levels of sport.
- Including of gender equality criteria in procurement evaluations.
- When discussing community plans with community groups, seeking to achieve a gender balance on committee.
- Promoting support networks for women through social and learning activities and events
- Use of community consultation data to gain an insight into the need differences of women to document gaps in services and facilities
- Work with event organisers to equally promote male and female athletes in the lead up and during events. As example, the Cadel Evans Welcome Wave and Rip Curl Pro
- Ensure a continued balance in exhibitions held at the Australian National Surfing Museum, highlighting male and female surfing icons
- Promote female based sporting programs
Fair Access Policy -Action Plan
Ensure completion of a GEIA for:
- All new or upgraded/renewal social infrastructure projects when relevant.
- All new or future renewals of any plans, policies, strategies, etc
Follow best practice when planning for and designing new or upgraded infrastructure included but not limited to:
- State and National Sporting Association Facility Development Guidelines
- Universal Design Guidelines
- Female Friendly Sport Infrastructure Guidelines
- Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Guidelines.
Seek relevant funding and grants that support upgraded infrastructure, including prioritisation of projects that will support women and girls to be active.
'Fair Access" promotional materials displayed and ensure language used in facilities and on social emdai is inclusive, postive and appropriate.
Support Leagues and Associations in their efforts towards developing and/or implementing welcoming policies and practices.
Clubs and Community User Groups to consult with female players, coaches, members and parents to understand the needs of participants before allocating training/game times for playing and use of change facilities.
Clubs and Community User Groups to consult with women and girls to help break down any barriers to participation (eg. uniforms, playing or training times, social code of conduct etc.) and club social events.
Ensure prizes, awards, promotion and opportunities are equal for all participants.
Support and promote 'Come and Try' days or sporting activations introducing women and girls to safe and inclusive sporting and recreational environments.
Clubs, Community User Groups, leagues and Associations to provide 'Fair Access' by equal opportunity to training scheduling and game start times for all users.
When applying for grants consult with players, coaches, members and parents of the club to understand the needs of improvement in order to identify aspects that are lacking and impacting access.
Consideration to age-friendly community facilities encouraging actoive ageing opportunities for women.
Provide training and mentorship for women and girls to learn about leadership (via Leisure Networks).
Continue to promote and support clubs and groups to work towards and achieve gender targets for eg. executive, committee, coaching and officiating roles, etc.
Ensure any paid positions are fair and equal for same role, regardless of gender.
Host education/information sessions with clubs on the promotion of inclusion and equity for diversity and women. (Via Leisure Networks).
Celebrate clubs that are leading the way in inclusion, including showcasing prominent local role models (athletes, volunteers, coaches, administrators, officials, etc).
Promote clubs to participate/complete Gender Inclusive Sporting Club Self-Assessments (eg. allocations of sporting grounds/fields/courts, visits from sporting stars, social room bookings).
review and update Community Grants criteria for sporting clubs incorporating a Fair Access requirement to ensure that greater consideration is given to programs or projects that support women and girls to be active.
Review and update Lease and Licence and service Level Agreements and incorporate Fair Access practices and principles (where applicable) to support clubs and groups to provide supportive environments that encourage participation by women and girls.
Investigate the development and use of a Seasonal Tenancy Manual and Application Form to use to incorporate Fair Access practices and principles to ensure that greater consideration is given to facility bookings/allocations that support women and girls to be active.
Council has developed a Fair Access Policy and Action Plan
Thanks to everyone who attended an info session or provided feedback in our recent engagement on the draft policy and action plan.
The survey has now closed. All feedback will be reviewed and final documents will be taken to the June Council meeting.
Council's Fair Access Policy seeks to address barriers experienced by women and girls in accessing and using community sport and recreational infrastructure.
To support this policy, council have developed a action plan which outlines the actions council will take with sporting clubs to further remove barriers to inclusivity.
→ View the Fair Access Policy
→ View the Fair Access Action Plan
About Fair Access

Policy Principles
Fair Access Policy Principles
Our policy and action plan was developed using the following principles, developed by the Office for Women in Sport and Recreation, Sport and Recreation Victoria and the Victorian Health Promotion Foundation (VicHealth).