Torquay and Jan Juc

Torquay has seen a lot of growth in recent years, and with the increase in people we are seeing the need to increase road safety and traffic flow for all road users, including pedestrians, cyclists and drivers.

The works in the map below are in response to the Torquay north traffic study, crash data analysis and community feedback, and have been funded by a combination of funds from the Australian Government, the TAC and Council.

With so many road projects happening across Torquay, we want to let you know what is planned. Some of these projects are underway and some projects are still in the planning stage with specific details and timing are yet to be confirmed. We will update this page as soon as we know information.

We will communicate with directly impacted residents about these works once details are confirmed (before construction starts).

Any questions or concerns? Call 5261 0600 or lodge a request.

Road works in Torquay and Jan Juc

Surf Coast Highway and Bristol Road intersection

  • Upgrade intersection and install traffic lights

Bellbrae Primary School road safety improvements

  • Road safety upgrades

Coombes Road between Surf Coast Highway and Ghazeepore Road

  • Road rehabilitation, including widening and resurfacing of Coombes Road.
  • Roundabout at the intersection of Messmate Road and Coombes Road.

Briody Drive, developer works as part of the Summerset Torquay Retirement Village project.

  • Upgrading Briody Drive including new drainage and sewerage and sealing the road.
  • Local access will be maintained at all times.
  • Works commencing January 2025 and expected completion by end of 2025.
  • Contact Blair Smith, Winslow Project Manager, 0436 407 232, for more information about the works.
  • Summerset Torquay Retirement Village

Corner of Surf Coast Highway and Grossmans Road

  • Installation of left hand turning lane.
  • Developer works, expected to be completed by end of March.
  • For more information contact

Works undertaken by Transport Victoria in the next 12 months

Great Ocean Road and Duffields Road, Jan Juc

  • New pedestrian crossing at the existing traffic lights.

Works undertaken by Transport Victoria, starting in February, with expected completion around the middle of the year.

Great Ocean Road, Gundrys Road and Addiscot Road, Bellbrae

Works include:

  • New turning lanes from Great Ocean Road into Gundrys Road and Addiscot Road.
  • Widening of the road to accommodate the turning lanes, including the removal of some native vegetation.
  • New pedestrian crossing across Great Ocean Road.
  • Bus stop relocation to align with new pedestrian crossing.

Traffic controllers will be on site and some change traffic conditions, including speed reductions and temporary lane closures, will occur during the works.

Stay up to date with the works at

All enquiries to Transport Victoria at 1800 105 105 or

Construction of a new recycled water main on Horseshoe Bend Road (Barwon Water)

  • Changed traffic conditions including partial lane closure on Horseshoe Bend Road - between South Beach Road and Blackgate Road.
  • If you have any questions about this project please call Barwon Water on 1300 656 007 or email

Winchelsea and Moriac

Road works for Winchelsea, Moriac and surrounding areas.

Projects will be added once they are confirmed.

We will communicate with directly impacted residents about these works once details are confirmed (before construction starts).

Any questions or concerns? Call 5261 0600 or lodge a request.

Road works in Winchelsea and surrounding towns

Pollocksford Road bridge

  • Bridge closed
  • Bridge deck to be repaired

Transport Victoria works - Winchelsea-Deans Marsh Road and Cape Otway Road intersection.

  • Installation of a roundabout, new kerb, public lighting, line marking, signage and new asphalt surface.
  • Find out more

Lorne and Deans Marsh

Road works for Lorne and Deans Marsh.

Projects will be added once they are confirmed.

We will communicate with directly impacted residents about these works once details are confirmed (before construction starts).

Any questions or concerns? Call 5261 0600 or lodge a request.

Road works in Lorne and Deans Marsh

  • Allenvale Road
    • Landslip works have been completed, further works required.

Works been undertaken by Transport Victoria

Spout Creek bridge replacement

Winchelsea Deans Marsh Road between Fords Outlet Road and Bambra Aireys Inlet Road, Bambra
  • Rebuilding and resurfacing the road, including drainage works.
  • Works expected to be undertaken from October 2024 to April 2025.

Deans Marsh-Lorne Road, Benwerrin, near Five Mile Track and Benwerrin-Mt Sabine Road

  • Crews will be working on site on Monday to Friday between 7am and 5.30pm and some weekends between 7am and 1pm.
  • Lane closures will be in place as required and speed will be reduced to 40 km/h. Traffic delays of up to five minutes are expected.
  • For more information about the program of works Great Ocean Road and Inland Routes Renewal Program
  • For any other concerns about these works contact Transport Victoria or 1800 105 105.
  • Hall Street
    Landslip works, further investigation into drainage infrastructure required.

Anglesea and Aireys Inlet

Road works for Anglesea and Aireys Inlet.

Projects will be added once they are confirmed.

We will communicate with directly impacted residents about these works once details are confirmed (before construction starts).

Any questions or concerns? Call 5261 0600 or lodge a request.

Road works in Anglesea and Aireys Inlet

Lialeeta Road, Fairhaven

  • Landslip remediation works, drainage works.
  • Further works will take place from September 2024.

Works undertaken by Major Roads Project Victoria (state government)

Great Ocean Road at O'Donohue Road, Anglesea

  • Road widening to install a new pedestrian crossing and signage, new right turn lanes into O'Donohue Road and some vegetation removal.
  • If you have any questions about these works please call 1800 105 105 or

Road works to be undertaken by Major Road Projects Victoria (state government)

Great Ocean Road at Albert Avenue, Aireys Inlet

  • Widen road to install new pedestrian crossing and signage.
  • If you have any uestion about these works, call 1800 105 105 or email